Charges - Class III
III.I - Abuse of Power
Use of a Command level Position to forward personal goals or vendettas. An Officer convicted of Abuse of Power can face immediate expulsion.
III.II - Defection
Leaving the service of the IO, normally by desertion, to join the forces of one against whom we have declared war.
III.III - Desertion
Attempting to unlawfully leave the service of the IO. For IO purposes, not answering one's e-mail for more than one month.
III.IV - Espionage
Selling the secrets of the Imperial Order to enemy forces.
III.V - Mutiny
Unlawful usurpation of the authority or command of a superior Officer.
III.VI - Sabotage
An attempt to prevent the functioning of Imperial Order property for the gain of the enemy.
III.VII - Treason
Performing detrimental actions against the Fleet either individually or in concert with other online clubs or individuals.