The Imperial Order - [Code of Conduct]   
CoC Data
  CoC Index

  Imperial Intelligence

  The Tarkin Doctrine

  The Larsen Amendment

  Court Martials



Imperial Rules
  Article I

  Article II

  Article III

  Article IV

  Article V

  Article VI

  Article VII

  Article VIII

  Article IX

  Article X

  Article XI

  Article XII

IRC General Rules and Etiquette


  • All IO members will treat one another with respect, speak with your fellow members the way you wish to be spoken to, with respect.
  • Officers are required to {SALUTE} upon the entering and exiting the channel. Officers already present are required to return the {SALUTE}, no matter what rank.
  • Members of the Dark Jedi Order have the option to {BOW} to one another.
  • When addressing the Emperor, you may either {SALUTE} or {BOW}.
  • All superior officers will be called by their rank and name or sir/ma'am.
  • All subordinates will be called by their rank or by their name or callsign.
  • When in the main IO channel, adhere to your character persona as much as possible. Real Life events and discussions should be held in the Lounge.
  • When in the Lounge channel, all CoC rules apply. While the atomsphere is more leisurely than the main channel, no one is to get into any arguments, insult anyone, or talk about offensive matter.
  • If someone attempts or does in some way cause you harm in the channel, immediately private msg the highest ranking op on duty and inform them of the situation, never attempt to take the matter into your own hands.
  • Should you enter any IO channel and be opped (when chanserv is down) and you know you are not supposed to have ops, immediately de-op yourself.
  • If a netsplit or other mishap with the server or chanserv occurs and you are the only op, have the common courtesy to op those officers who should be oped.
  • Provide assistance to other members, or new members, if possible.
  • Respresent the Empire and yourself with respect, dignity, distinction and honor.


  • Do not be annoying or aggressive to your fellow officers, this includes starting arguments, confrontations and generally putting someone else down.
  • Do not publicly bad-mouth your squadron/platoon, division, or the Imperial Order in general, if you have a complaint about something, take it up with your Commanding Officer in private.
  • Foul language, cursing or obscene topics are not permitted and will result in an immediate Kick of that user(s).
  • Do not disobey direct orders from the Channel Operators or the Sector Rangers.
  • Discussion of the following is not allowed: topics that are based on sex, sexual activities, or lewd behavior; illegal activities; hacking; bad-mouthing the CoC or the IO.
  • If you are in any IO channel, you are not to be in any warez, hacker or sex channel, plain and simple.
  • No personal attacks or insults to or from any member of the Imperial Order will be tolerated.
  • Do not use over use CAPS LOCK when chatting.
  • Do not overuse colors or ascii texts.

    Breaches of General Etiquette

  • Breaches of General Etiquette are dealt with in the following, unless otherwise noted: First offense is a warning, Second offense is a kick, Third offense is a kick/ban with possible disciplinary action being taken.

  • The Ranking Channel Op in the channel is responsible for administering any disciplinary action that is required. The Sector Ranger Officers, when issuing an order are to be adhered to, whether they are op-ed or not.

    Denial of Service Attacks

  • Channel takeovers, IRC clone or flood bots are not permitted at any time, in any IO channel.

  • Nukes, IMCP and other denial of service attacks are not permitted, and their usage will result in immediate disciplinary action.

  • Denial of service attacks will result in an immediate kick/ban of the user, and if the person is an IO member, charges will immediately be brought forth and acted upon.

  • IRC Conduct

      General Rules

      Channel Operators


    Holonet Conduct



      Class I

      Class II

      Class III

      Class IV

      Class I

      Class II

      Class III

      Class IV

      Main Concourse

      Imperial Holonet